Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hello World!

Welcome students, parents, colleagues, family, friends and world to our classroom blog!  I had been toying with the idea of blogging for months now and I finally decided to give it a go. As a first year teacher, there are a million and one things to do, but I believe blogging about our work is the perfect "window" into our classroom.  Now that I have gotten my "sea legs" in  the classroom, I hope to update the blog with vignettes of what takes place in our classroom.

Designing the blog was relatively easy...I'm an artist :), but words have never been my thing. Coming up with a name that didn't sound silly after saying it aloud was a difficult task to say
the least. After careful consideration, I decided on "From Maryvale to MoMA".  MoMA is an acronym for The Museum of Modern Art. The title of the blog isn't meant to mislead anyone into making a direct association between Maryvale Elementary School and MoMA, but is an expression of my belief that education creates opportunity and with hard work and dedication I KNOW that each of my students will have a bright future.  Maybe one day their artwork will be exhibited in MoMA next to Jean-Michel Basquiat, Takashi Murakami, Andy Warhol, or Frida Kahlo.

I hope you will stay tuned to what’s to come in my world of teaching and my kids' world of learning about art!  Great things are on the horizon….

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